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Kent Nagano with the soloists

Kent Nagano's Boris Godunov recording

On September the 6th, 2019, BIS Records released Kent Nagano’s recording of Boris Godunov by Mussorgsky with Gothenburg Symphony. Boris Stepanov performed the parts of Simpleton, Missail, and Boyar.

The 1869 version of the opera was recorded in March 2017 when it was presented in concert in Gothenburg and Stockholm.

The recording features the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and the Gothenburg Opera Choir. Among the soloists are Alexander Tsymbaluk (Godunov), Alexey Tikhomirov (Varlaam), Maxim Paster (Shulsky), Mika Kares (Pimen).

"Zijn Missail is al opmerkelijk, maar de Joerodivi die we twee scènes later van hem horen, is een vocaal pareltje"
"His Missail is already remarkable, but the Yurodivi that we hear two scenes later from him is a vocal gem"

"Boris Stepanov was remarkable as The Simpleton, in what is perhaps the most interesting scene of the opera"

The album on BIS Records site

Excerpts from Scene 6 (courtesy of BIS Records)