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Jean-Baptiste Lully's Atys with Boris Stepanov in the title role

On October the 8th and 9th, 2019 the premiere of a new production of Jean-Baptiste Lully's opera Atys to a libretto by Philippe Quinault was presented at the Hermitage Theatre in St. Petersburg. 

Director — Thierry Péteau (France)

Atys — Boris Stepanov
Cybèle — Anastasia Bondareva 
Sangaride — Vera Chekanova 
Celænus, Phantase — Ilya Mazurov 
Doris, Melisse — Julia Khotay 
Morphée — Vitaly Sobolev 
Idas, Phobétor — Alexander Nezemtsev 
Baleful Dream, Alecton — Thierry Péteau

The Soloists Of Catherine The Great

Assistants to the director:
Andrey Reshetin, Danila Vedernikov, Andrey Penugin 
Costumes by Lilia Kisilenko 

Work on J.-B. Lully's and Ph. Quinault's musical tragedy Atys is an important step in exploration of the French musical culture of the XVIIth century. To create a right understanding of the aesthetics of the period, the authors of the new production found it important to restore not only the musical language of the French Baroque, but also the authentic sound of the XVIIth century scenic French as well as the elaborate system of baroque gesture and movement.

Illustration: François Chauveau, frontispiece form the first edition of the tragedy Atys, 1676

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